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Tips to avoid mosquito bites in the Amazon rainforest

Are you going to visit the Amazon rainforest? You need to know how to avoid mosquito bites in the Amazon rainforest. Prepare your anti-mosquito luggage. If you are traveling through Peru you will probably carry a large backpack or suitcase, but to explore the Amazon jungle we recommend that you leave most of that luggage in your accommodation in the city and carry only what is necessary in a smaller backpack. Choose loose, long-sleeved, light-colored, cotton t-shirts. Long, loose pants will prevent mosquito bites.

Where there is a warm climate and significant humidity, mosquitoes will be there, stalking us to feed on our blood and cause annoying bites.
The effect of an insect bite can cause effects ranging from mild irritation to serious illness.

How to avoid mosquito bites in the Amazon rainforest

What can we do to prevent mosquitoes from biting us?

According to studies, mosquitoes choose their victims based on the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) they emit when breathing and not by the popular saying that attributed it to “the level of sugar or sweetness of the blood.” It is also claimed that pregnant women are more appetizing targets for these insects. Mosquitoes do not have good eyesight, but they do have a good sense of smell, which is why they are guided by smell, and their bites are related to the amount of carbon dioxide emitted when breathing: the more carbon dioxide and other substances such as that emitted when sweating (lactic acid), more likely to sting.

The amount of carbon dioxide is different depending on the person, depending mainly on diet or exercise, which explains why some people suffer more bites than others. The ones that bite are the females, who need proteins contained in the blood for their eggs to develop. When biting, mosquitoes secrete their saliva with a substance that produces a chemical reaction in the person who is bitten. Depending on the predisposition, more or less histamine is released and an area surrounded by edema may form.

However, beyond this finding, there are a series of precautions that everyone can follow, such as:

– Cover the skin as best we can, in risk areas or in the jungle, the ideal is to wear long pants, long-sleeved polo shirts and long socks.
– Use mosquito nets to sleep.
– Avoid areas with stagnant water as much as possible, as this is the place where they reproduce, for example, if we are near a river or lake.
– Avoid using perfumes or gels with intense odors.
– Use mosquito repellent and replace it several times during the day, as well as make sure that we adequately cover all exposed areas.

What can we do to prevent mosquitoes from biting us?

1. Put on mosquito repellent

There are several specially formulated insect repellents that you can purchase at sporting goods or camping stores. Apply insect repellent to unprotected skin when you go outdoors, especially during the day. If you are going to use sunscreen, put it on before repellent. Here are some common chemical solutions that can be effective in repelling mosquitoes:

– Repellents containing between 30% and 50% DEET (N, N – Dietel Meta Toluamide) can be effective for several hours and are recommended for adults and children over two months. Repellents lower in DEET offer less lasting protection and should be applied more frequently.
(DEET can irritate the skin if applied directly in a high concentration or for long periods. In some cases it can cause serious skin reactions.)

– Repellents that contain up to 15% picaridin, although you must apply them frequently. In some places you can find repellents with higher picaridin contents.

1. Put on mosquito repellent

2. When outdoors, wear long pants and loose long-sleeved shirts

One of the best ways to avoid mosquito bites is to simply cover your skin. Spread your shirt sleeves and pant legs to cover as much skin as you can. Likewise, wear your clothing so that it is as loose as possible, this serves two purposes: you will feel more comfortable in hot and humid climates where mosquitoes abound, you will be able to better protect yourself from bites, since mosquitoes in snacks they can attack through skin-tight clothing, especially if the fabric is thin.

2. When outdoors, wear long pants and loose long-sleeved shirts

3. Use a mosquito net over your bed

Mosquito nets have holes that are large enough for air to circulate, but small enough to keep out mosquitoes and other dangerous insects. Be sure to sleep away from the edges of the mosquito net, as mosquitoes can bite through skin-tight netting. Check the netting regularly and if you find any wide openings, fix them quickly.
Unfortunately, mosquitoes live almost everywhere on the planet (with the exception of Antarctica), although they are generally more common in warm, humid areas.

Avoid raising your body temperature too much, this is important if you are in a hot and humid climate. It is believed that mosquitoes are attracted to warm bodies, so having a low body temperature is one way to avoid their bites. Dark-colored fabrics absorb more heat from the sun’s rays than light-colored clothing, so you should avoid them. Mosquitoes can sense carbon dioxide (one of the gases you exhale) over relatively long distances.

3. Use a mosquito net over your bed

4. Bet on odors: there are some that mosquitoes cannot stand

Mosquitoes can’t stand rosemary, basil, mint, thyme or lavender, they are some of the most pleasant smells that keep mosquitoes out of your sight (and ear). Lemon and rosemary tea may make your room smell herbal, but that’s much more pleasant than the blissful buzz. Having aromatic plants, especially near windows and balconies, is another solution to avoid mosquito bites and deter them. Since the aromas they give off are not to your liking, mosquitoes are less likely to be around.

4. Bet on odors: there are some that mosquitoes cannot stand

Tips for babies and children

– Dress your child in clothing that covers his arms and legs.
– Cover baby carriers with mosquito nets.
– When using insect repellent on children:
* Always follow directions when applying insect repellent to children.
* Do not use products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE) or para-menthane diol (PMD) on children under 3 years of age.
* Do not apply insect repellent to children’s hands, eyes, or cut or irritated skin.

Tips for babies and children

How to soothe mosquito bites?

• Wash the area affected by the bite with soap and water.
• To relieve pain and reduce inflammation, apply cold with a drained compress or wrapped ice.
• Create a paste based on baking soda and water. Apply to the wound for 10 minutes and rinse.
• Apply calamine or hydrocortisone creams.
• In case of strong reaction, oral antihistamine.

Warning: A mosquito bite can cause burning and itching pain in the affected area that usually subsides in the following days. However, if the mosquito bite occurs along with symptoms of a serious condition, such as fever, severe headache or body aches, it is always recommended to see a doctor.

How to soothe mosquito bites?




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